Saturday, November 13, 2010

Shutterfly Christmas Cards

There are so many awesome choices for Christmas cards from Shutterfly, I literally spent like 30 minutes looking at all of them and trying to decide which one I would get and which was my favorite.  I love all of the flat stationary cards and the photo cards are a good option for a great price. 

I've ordered cards from Shutterfly before and I loved them.  They were so cute and we got so many compliments on them.  For this year's Christmas cards I haven't picked out which picture or pictures I want to use.  We are hopefully having some family pictures taken soon, we'll see if it actually happens or not, so that will determine which card I ultimately choose.  Here are several of my favorite ones though:

Another thing I love from Shutterfly are their calendars.  We ordered calendars for our parents for Christmas last year, filled with pictures of Caden and they all loved them.  Here is a link to the different kind of calendars you can make from Shutterfly:

In exchange for writing this post Shutterfly is giving me 50 free Christmas awesome are they?  If you have a blog and would like some free cards too, just go to this link and they'll tell you how!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Your Three Words

Baby-Wearing Daddy

Jason is an amazing Dad and twice a week while I go to Zumba he stays home with Caden and Mason.  Sometimes he even has dinner fixed when I get home. :)  The other day Caden wanted to go outside so I told Jason to just wear Mason in my carrier.  So I helped him get it on and away they went. 
Look at that sweet little head sticking out, and might I say that Jason looks awfully cute too. ;)
On my way out of the neighborhood I drove by and took a few pictures of my 3 boys...Caden was trying to figure out how to get to the dogs in our neighbors yard.
Just an FYI...if you are looking for a Mei-Tai style carrier, this one is from Target (Infantino brand) and is much cheaper than many of the other brands like BabyHawk.  I really wanted a wrap-style carrier but didn't want to pay $100 for one and I found this one online for around $30, it was on sale at the time but regular price was only like $45 and I absolutely love it!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

Halloween weekend we made the trip to Patterson Farms to the pumpkin patch.  We went last year and had a great time and Caden wasn't even a year old.  So we knew he would have a great time this year. 
Our family last year.
Caden (10 months old) last year. Running away from where we wanted him to least some things haven't changed. :)
Caden this crazy how much they grow in a year.

Jason's parents and my mom and Jeff also came with us. We all met at our house and Caden was so, so excited that all his favorite people were together. He was running around like a wild man and kept saying everyone's names, like he was introducing everybody, it was so cute.

The pumpkin patch was Caden's dream-land...tractors, horses, pumpkins, playground, and even ice cream!
 Riding his little John Deere.
Having so much fun with Daddy.

Caden couldn't figure out why they wasted all that corn, he would have rather ate it than play in it. :)
Driving the tractor...he is slightly obsessed.
 Getting ready to go on the wagon ride to the pumpkin patch.
 He was so excited about all the "pun-tins" as he calls them.
 This is as good as we got for a family picture in the patch this year.
Mommy and Mase 

Nini is off to the side bribing smiles out of him with ice cream. :) 
The paparazzi were out in full force this day. :) 
We paid for him a pony ride and when we asked him which pony he wanted he said "No, horse" and pointed to the big horse, so Jason got to ride the big horse with him. 
Then he got to ride the pony too, you might say he is spoiled.

We had such a fun day and I'm so glad we waited until it was cool to go to the pumpkin just wouldn't be the same in t-shirts and shorts. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Better late than never, right?  I got a new, very cheap computer that works and that I can get to my pictures...which is a very good thing.  I really wanted to document Halloween, so even though I feel like it is almost Thanksgiving here goes. :)
We had a very busy, very fun Halloween weekend.  On Friday I took the boys in their costumes to Jason's work to visit.  Caden was a little shy, but at least he wore his his CMO Halloween party on Wednesday, he refused to put the costume on so he had on a black turtleneck, girls black leggings, and neon yellow shoes, not exactly what I was picturing. :) 
Mason, the bee, before we went to visit Daddy.
Caden playing in the leaves outside Jason's office, the Mickey ears had been removed at this point. :)

On Friday night, Barnes and Noble had a Halloween party for was packed and all Caden cared about was the Thomas the Train table.  Oh well, he had a good time and I didn't get a single picture.

On Saturday we went to Patterson Farm to the pumpkin patch.  We went last year and had a great time and this year was no different.  I am going to do a whole post on the pumpkin patch since I have so many pictures. 
After we got home from the pumpkin patch we all took naps and then got up and dressed to go to downtown Newton's Halloween Fest.  It was insanely packed and I read that there were over 3000 people there!  We made a trip around the square, Caden got a few pieces of candy, and ran around and played on the cannons. :)  We didn't really stand in line for any of the games because the lines were so long, but he was so proud of his two pieces of candy, it was precious.  He held one in each hand like it was the best thing he had ever seen. So cute! 
My little Mickey Mouse :)
Us, before going "downtown".
Climbing on the cannons...his big butt makes me laugh. :)
On Sunday I had big plans for us, but Caden had been on a wierd sleep strike the past several days and he didn't take a nap until like 4 and when he finally did go to sleep it was in his hamper....yes, his clothes hamper.  He pulled all of the clothes out and climbed in, luckily we were watching him on the monitor so of couse I went in and took pictures.
  By the time we got the kids dressed we only made it to Jason's parents' and my parents' houses.  We didn't get home until around 8, so no true trick-or-treating was done.  Next year I'm sure that we will not get away with not trick- or-treating!
Caden's tractor he got, trick-or-treating at Nina and Poppa's!
Sweet Mason and Sweet Eli

This makes me laugh...getting them all in a picture isn't easy...I can't imagine next Halloween. :)
 Trick-or-treating at Nini and Poppy's.
Loving his sucker. 
Such a fun Halloween weekend.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Your Three Words

Let's Go Wolfpack
State had a big win last we all wore State gear the next day...Jason had on his belt buckle but you can't see it.  Anyway, we have a big game this weekend against Clemson...I hope our top 25 ranking doesn't mean we will lose, it always seems to curse us!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3 Months Old!

Mason turned 3 months old on October 22nd.  He continues to be such a sweet baby and still smiles and laughs all the time.  I'm not sure how much he weighs but my arms tell me he is growing just fine. :)  He also looks so long to me, I'm interested to go to the doctor next month to see how big he has gotten. 
He LOVES his hands and smacks so loud on them you can hear him from across the house. 
He is a good sleeper and has started to sleep through the night...usually anywhere from 9-6 or 7, then he eats and goes back to sleep for a little while. 
He loves people...pretty much anybody that gives him the time of day will get lots of smiles...he especially loves babies, cousin Eli is a favorite as well as the baby on the wipes container.  When we change his diaper he just looks over and grins and talks to the baby.  He also loves to talk to himself in the mirror, he's a bit conceited I guess, but rightfully so. :) 
He has also started giggling, which is oh so precious.
He can roll over from his belly to his back but not back to belly yet.  He holds himself up so well.  He can even sit by himself for a couple of seconds...I think his big belly helps to hold him up. :)
He is not a fan of the carseat and sometimes cries the entire time he is in it(like the whole hour and a half from Lake Lure) .... he does occasionally fall asleep in it too though, which is nice.
We have also discovered that he likes Mickey Mouse, just like Caden, whenever MMC is on he grins and kicks his legs, he gets so excited about it. 
We love you so much sweet boy and we are so very thankful that God chose us to be your parents. :) 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Busy, Busy Weekend!

**This was last weekend (Oct. 23 & 24), I'm borrowing my mom's computer since my still isn't working...who wants to buy me a new one?? :)

We had a very busy weekend again!  On Saturday we went to Ada's (Quint and Melissa's neice) 3rd birthday party.  Caden had the best time running around outside, playing with all the ride on toys, kicking soccer balls, playing with bubbles, and jumping in the inflatable! 
He loved jumping!
Sweet Boy.
Mason had the best time talking and laughing with cousin Eli.  He seriously sat there and laughed and talked for 5 minutes, he couldn't get enough. :)
Melissa and I with the boys. I'm so excited for them to grow up together.
Caden loved wearing Ada's bike helmet, yes it was pink with pandas on it.

We left from Ada's party and went home so Caden could take a nap and as soon as he woke up we headed up to Lake Lure for Jason's grandmom's 80th birthday! We had a wonderful dinner and it was good to see everybody. Wish we could have stayed longer and I also wish my camera hadn't died.

More laughing with cousin Eli and Aunt Julie.
Jason and Quint with the boys, minus Caden, who was too busy running around for a camera died right after this.
On Sunday we woke up and went to church, where Caden whined and cried in the nursery pretty much the whole time, even though I was in there with him.  Needless to say it was a long couple of hours. :)  Later Sunday afternoon we met David, Claire, and Katelyn at the North Carolina Balloon Fest in Statesville, I was so excited to see the balloons and for Caden to see them.  We got there and hung out for a while, listened to some music, Caden played on a couple of the inflatables, pitched several screaming fits (Terrible Twos Anyone?), and then they announce it is too windy for the balloons to fly.  I was pretty disappointed and it didn't even seem that windy, it was actually pretty hot and a breeze would have been nice. :) 
Before church...a rare family picture. 
Getting ready to go down the big slide.
He loved it...Jason went down with him 2 more times and he still cried when we left.
Mason hanging out and Caden drinking an entire 32 oz. lemonade, seriously. 
Sweet, little Katelyn.